Saturday, 17 December 2016

Corporate Social Responsibility Business Assignment Topics

Governments, activists, and the media have become adept at holding companies to account for the social consequences of their actions. In response, corporate social responsibility has emerged as an inescapable priority for business leaders in every country. The fact is many prevailing approaches to CSR are quite disconnected from strategy. Business should treat CSR as something central to their strategy and hence contribute as a core competence for many organisations.

A study into the benefits of using in-house CSR expertisecompared with the benefits of using CSR consultancy expertise.
How does customer perception impact on customer loyalty in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility?
What is the role of business education in developing CSR skills?
What are the key strategic decisions facing companies in order to improve their performance in Corporate Social Responsibility?
Does Corporate Social Responsibility enhance corporatereputation? A case study on E.ON UK.
What are the challenges facing ethical businesses in the UK for moving to the mainstream?
How can businesses gain advantage from climate change?
Integrity in business: Is it necessary or optional for businesses?
How can firms successfully make Corporate Social Responsibility operable in the corporate environment?

Understanding the relationship between diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility and its contribution to business in the community’s corporate responsibility index.